the project
beloved cocom resident and friends
we have been waiting for one year now
for the announcement of the goa regional development plan 2021
finally on 10 november 2011 goa government announced their regional plan 2021
which is now announced but still not legally ratified or passed into law
there has been huge opposition from all districts and panchayats of goa
to scrap this regional plan 2021 and all are fighting against the various new legal land rulings
that have been announced in these new land regulations
now there is total confusion in goa as to how and when projects will be allowed to construct
and it now seems all are caught up in huge disputes and chaos
read the various newspapers links below
there are also many mistakes found
and rectifications are being asked for by thousands of property owners
now the goa government has set new dates for rectifications and corrections
and all applications for rectifications have a deadline by 5 december 2011
thereafter another 3 months for clarifications and corrections
and completion have been set until further official announcement
it seems it will take till april 2012 for all these matters to be taken care of
and then only will this regional plan 2021 be made into a legal guideline if it survives
a few days ago on 21 november 2011 we met high government officials of town and planning
to remind them again of our pending application for our project plans to be approved
and have been assured that our project will be accepted as soon as these regional plans become legal
and our applications go through the necessary paperwork for final project approval
we will have to wait until april 2012 for our applications to start legal process
perhaps will be completed 6 months - by august 2012
another major issue now
the government is going through new elections in february 2012
and until we see the outcome as to which political party will come into power
we cannot foresee who will give us final building permissions
we need to wait and see the political election results
and also the legalization of this new land development goa regional plan 2021
some good news : mexico
in the meanwhile – for the past 6 months we have been working in mexico
as we had been gifted a beautiful 50 acres forest property in riviera maya
near cancun and playa del carmen opposite cozumel island
we are in quintana roo of mexico which is pure paradise and our 50 acres property
is located in riviera maya where millions of tourists come
for these paradise beaches and forests and scuba diving island
there are many new eco projects coming up with high end developments
our team has been working these past 4 months to present our mexico cocom project
and have met project planning people from mexican government departments regarding our proposal
our cocom project initial proposed masterplan application has been now placed
with regional mexican officials and has met with initial approval
it seems we will have all necessary legalization and approval for building in 6 months – by may 2012
GOA REGIONAL PLAN 2021 newspaper links
letter november 2011
we had already planned this mexico cocom as our 2nd project after goa cocom
as we were gifted this riviera maya 50 acres forest land in 2010
now seeing the continuous delays in indian government approvals for building
we have decided to move ahead with our riviera maya cocom project first
while we wait for all legal paperwork to be completed in india
our idea is to offer a co share between residents of goa and riviera maya communes
whereby residents can move easily between each commune
which will make their being a resident of either cocom double value !!
in mexico again our plan is to offer 60 residents space at cost price
our goa residents can now choose to own their cottage
in goa cocom or in riviera maya cocom
any resident who has already reserved a cottage in goa cocoa is allowed to change
from goa india cocom to riviera maya mexico cocom if they wish to now
we request all residents to make their choice and let us know
in which cocom you wish to have your cottage
please contact me directly [email protected]
in case you want to move to riviera maya mexico cocom
and we will send you more details and information
in mexico we are setting up a bank trust - ozen cocom trust
our trust will be a charitable organization and in mexico foreigners are allowed
to own their cottage under the mexican bank trust fideicomiso setup
with love to all
from pure paradise of mexico…rajneesh